An Alaskan woman who was born with a rare condition that means she has two wombs, vaginas, and cervixes has given birth to a baby girl
Stephanie Haxton, 29, and her fiance Ben Luedtke welcomed baby Stella in August 2021.
The beautician was diagnosed at the age of 23 and was told she might be at a greater risk of miscarriage because of it.
The condition affects one in 5,000 people and means the woman could have two smaller uteruses that are separated by a small piece of skin, called a septum.
She told the Daily Mail she always suffered from heavy periods and only found out later that was caused by having two wombs.
She said: “Being told at such as young age I just always thought to myself that I can’t have children, so I never really pinned my hopes on having one.
“I just thought if it happens, it happens. So, I just put it to one side and carried on.”
Aged 27, she suffered a miscarriage. But shortly after she fell pregnant with Stella.
Doctors warned her that it would be a high risk pregnancy and was given an ultrasound every week.
There was also a concern about the baby having enough room to grow in such a small uterus.
Stephanie said: “Stella was in my left cervix, which meant that she would only grew on the left side of my stomach, so I was really lopsided when I was pregnant.”
Despite concerns of an premature baby, Stell was born naturally nine days late.
Stephanie said: “She was born healthy with no real issues, although I Had to have my septum cut so she could cut past it.
“Looking back on it, I was so blessed, the team was so supportive. I am so grateful.”
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