Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)
Apricots are bursting full of fertility-friendly nutrients including beta carotene (their bright orange colour gives this away!) potassium, magnesium, folate, fibre and are a great source of iron.
Natural live yoghurt is great for the gut as it contains friendly probiotic bacteria (such as lactobacillus)- all health starts in the gut. It is also a good source of protein, calcium and provides selenium too.
Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium (1 brazil nut provides an adult’s daily requirement of selenium) as are other seeds too such as sunflower and chia. Selenium is an antioxidant which has been linked to helping reduce hot flashes associated with the menopause. It also plays an important role in helping support the immune system and for healthy skin, hair and nails.
To make your breakfast pot (for 1)
Chose a nice glass! Destone, wash and cut in half 4 fresh apricots and stew in a pan with a little water – remove from the heat and allow to cool then spoon into the bottom of your glass. Next, spoon some natural live yoghurt to cover the apricots (about an inch of yoghurt). Sprinkle over the top with chopped brazil nuts and more apricots. Repeat the layers again. Place into the fridge for a couple of hours or cover over-night. Bring out of the fridge and drizzle over with honey. Enjoy!
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