Australian actress Claire Holt debuted her pregnancy bump at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival
The 34-year-old is expecting her third child, but it has not been an easy road.
Claire and her husband John suffered a miscarriage in 2018 and have spoken out about the heartbreak it caused for them.
Claire said: “I took multiple tests each day to make sure the line was getting darker. My Google searches turned to miscarriages and signs of loss.
“I often wonder what it must be like to go through a pregnancy without worrying that something will take your baby away from you. Without waiting for bad news at every point.”
Claire said she never lets herself get too excited due to what she had been through.
She said on her blog, entitled The Corner: “I keep having to remind myself that if I had not lost the first baby, I would not have my children James and Elle.
“It definitely helped me curb the constant whirlpool of negative thoughts in my head.”
“I’m still scared of course. I know that many things can happen between now and 40 weeks. I won’t let those fears rob me of my joy though.”
She debuted her bump at the premiere of the film Killers of the Flowers Moon at Cannes, France.
Since then, she has been inundated with congratulatory messages on her social media pages.
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