New data has shown that 44 percent more single people had fertility treatment in 2021 than in 2019
This is according to the latest trends report published by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority(HFEA) which showed that about 55,000 patients had IVF and donor insemination(DI) treatment at UK licensed fertility clinics in 2021, compared to 53,000 in 2019.
The figures show that in 2019, 2,001 single patients had IVF treatment, while in 2021 2,888 single patients.
Same-sex females having fertility treatment also jumped up by a third, from 1,649 in 2019 to 2,201 in 2021.
There was also shown to be a 64 percent increase in egg freezing and a ten percent rise in IVF and donor insemination cycles.
Julia Chain, chairwoman of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), said: “Overall, the new HFEA report paints a promising picture. It shows treatment numbers are back at pre-pandemic levels and thanks to improved clinical and laboratory practice, over time pregnancy rates are increasing.
“Despite the pandemic being declared officially over, the aftershocks are still being felt as delays across other areas of healthcare prevent some patients accessing fertility services.
“Our report shows that the average age of IVF patients has increased to 36, around five years older than mothers who get pregnant naturally and these aftershocks could mean that the average age of an IVF patient continues to rise.
“Although pregnancy rates have increased, the likelihood of success decreases with age. For some patients, this may mean they never get the baby they hoped for and that’s heart breaking.”
The report has also highlighted that IVF cycles (fresh and frozen embryo transfers) increased to 76,000 cycles in 2021 from almost 70,000 in 2019 and DI cycles increased to 7,000 in 2021 from around 6,000 in 2019 (+22%).
There were 11 times more egg freeze cycles in 2021 than in 2011; 373 cycles in 2011 compared to 4,215 cycles in 2021. The number of embryo freeze cycles increased from around 230 cycles in 2011 to 10,719 in 2021. Despite these large increases, egg freeze cycles accounted for only four percent of all treatments carried out in 2021 and embryo freeze cycles accounted for 11 percent.
In 2021, the average IVF pregnancy rate using fresh embryo transfers for patients aged 18-34 was 41 percent per embryo transferred with a birth rate of 33 percent. This compares to 6 percent for patients aged 43-50 when using their own eggs and a birth rate of four percent.
In 2021, the UK average multiple birth rate reached the lowest level yet at 5 percent, falling from 28 percent in the 1990s.
The use of private funding by patients across the UK aged 18-34 has continued to increase with 63 percent of IVF cycles funded privately in 2021 compared to 52 percent in 2019.
The number of IVF cycles funded by the NHS continued to vary across the UK with an overall decrease to 20,000 cycles in 2021 from around 24,000 in 2019 (-16%).
The fertility sector is a unique area of healthcare in the UK as the majority of patients pay for treatment themselves. The proportion of NHS funded cycles decreased right across the UK between 2019 and 2021.
Julia said: “There were just under 4,000 fewer IVF cycles funded through the NHS between 2019 and 2021 so although more people than ever are having fertility treatment, our data shows that more people than ever are now also paying for it.
“There could be several reasons why NHS funded cycles lag behind those seen before the pandemic. Firstly, we’ve seen a change in the type of family accessing fertility treatment with clinics treating 44 percent more single patients and 33 percent more patients in same sex female couples in 2021 than they did in 2019.
“Secondly, funding criteria varies depending on where you live and under current rules, very few single and same sex patients qualify for NHS funding. And finally, measures put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic saw clinics prioritise older patients and this combined with waiting list backlogs elsewhere in the NHS, could mean that women are no longer eligible for NHS funding by the time they are referred for fertility treatment.”
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