A brain specialist from California has told how women may not realise that how they are feeling in their late 30s or early 40s could be to do with hormone changes
Dr Daniel Amen, a top psychiatrist has said falling progesterone levels ten years before menopause can cause insomnia, anxiety, depression, heavy cramps, irritability, and frequent migraines.
He said: “Your hormones are extremely important. They can enhance your life.
“An interesting thing about absorbing hormones that most women do not know is that progesterone – which makes you feel calm – begins to drop ten years before women begin menopause.”
The hormone progesterone is most associated with pregnancy. Its main function is to prepare the lining of the uterus for an embryo to grow.
The body stops producing progesterone when a woman reaches her 40s and Dr Amen said it is a difficult hormone to reproduce.
He said: “Around the age of 40 I’ve noticed that a lot of women start feeling anxious or they have trouble sleeping and they’re more irritable but they don’t understand why.
“So, they start drinking or smoking pot or they end up on medication to help ease their symptoms.
But by far the best thing they can do is to get a day 19 or 20 menstrual cycle progesterone test to measure their levels. They would be wise to also talk to their doctor about the best way they can natural progesterone to regulate their mood.”
Food that can generate progesterone in the body includes Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower, nuts and pumpkin.
Does this resonate with you? Do you suffer from mood swings? Do you struggle to sleep? We would love to hear your thoughts. Drop us a line at info@ivfbabble.com
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