Understanding the Success Rate of IVF: Realistic Expectations when TTC

When starting the IVF process for the first time, there really is only one question we want the answer to first….”how likely is this to work?” This article examines the critical factors affecting the success rate IVF to give you a straightforward picture of what to expect on your fertility journey.

The success rate of IVF hinges on various factors, most notably age. With a live birth rate of 41.4% per first embryo transfer for women under 35, fertility prospects are more favorable in younger age brackets, gradually decreasing for older women (annoyingly!).

Key Takeaways

Age is a critical factor in IVF success; women under 35 have the highest success rates, while rates decline significantly for women over 40 due to reduced egg quality and quantity.

Frozen embryo transfers are often preferred over fresh transfers due to advancements in freezing technology like vitrification, which improves outcomes by preserving embryo quality.
IVF success can be influenced by egg and sperm quality, lifestyle habits (e.g., diet and exercise), and individual fertility issues; using donor eggs/sperm, choosing the right clinic, and persistence with multiple cycles can increase chances of success.

IVF Success Rates by Age

Age is a pivotal factor when it comes to successful pregnancies through IVF. As a woman ages, her egg quantity and quality decline, affecting the likelihood of creating a viable embryo, and consequently, the success rate of IVF. This ageing impact on eggs and embryos is not just about quantity but also quality. As women age, their eggs increasingly contain abnormal DNA, leading to potential fertilization failures or miscarriages.

But how do these factors translate to IVF success rates at different age groups?

Under 35 years old

For women under 35, the prospects of IVF success are the brightest. This age group boasts the highest live birth rates, reaching as high as 55.6%. This encouraging figure is partly due to the fact that younger women tend to have a more robust egg reserve and higher egg quality, which is crucial for successful in vitro fertilization.

Even more promising, the clinical pregnancy rate for women under 30 who have undergone embryo transfer is reported to be an impressive 69.4%. However, this doesn’t mean that success is guaranteed on the first try. The live births per first embryo transfer for women under 35 stands at 41.4%.

But don’t lose hope! This rate increases to approximately 47% with later embryo transfers. So, hang in there, persistence often pays off!

Ages 35-37

When women reach the age group of 35 to 37, IVF success rates begin to taper off slightly. For these women, using their own eggs, the general IVF success rate hovers around 40.8%. This decrease is largely attributable to a natural reduction in egg quantity and quality as a woman ages. Additionally, chromosomal disorders such as an abnormal number of chromosomes in eggs, become a key indicator of poor egg quality, leading to aneuploid embryos.

However, it’s important not to get disheartened by these figures. The live birth rate for a singleton birth using the patient’s own eggs still stands at a promising 38.3%. Moreover, the live births based on the first embryo transfer for women aged 35 to 37 is 31.6%. While these numbers might be lower than those for younger women, they still represent a significant opportunity for a successful pregnancy.

Ages 38-40

As women approach the age range of 38 to 40, the landscape of IVF success starts changing notably. The general IVF success rate for women aged 38 to 40 drops to 26.8%. This decline is predominantly due to a notable decrease in both egg quantity and quality. This decline, which starts around age 32, causes a significant drop in IVF success rates, which further decline to around 13% by age 40.

However, this doesn’t mean the door to successful pregnancy closes completely. The live birth rate for women aged 38 to 40 experiencing their first embryo transfer is 22.3%. Interestingly, the live birth rate from the second or later embryo transfers significantly increases to 40.9%. This goes to show that persistence can indeed make a difference when it comes to IVF success.

Over 40 years old

For women over 40, pursuing IVF can be a particularly challenging journey. The success rate of IVF for women in this age group is approximately 7%. It is notable that women under 42 tend to have a slightly higher success rate compared to those over 42. The primary reason behind this significant decline is the drastic decrease in fertility after the age of 40, which has a significant impact on the success of IVF treatments beyond this age.

However, it’s not all gloom and doom for those over 40. The clinical pregnancy rate for women ages 40 to 43 after an embryo transfer is 9.4%, and women aged 41-42 have a 12.7% IVF success rate for a singleton birth using their own eggs. These figures, albeit lower, still represent a chance for women over 40 to experience the joy of motherhood.

Fresh vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer

While age is a significant factor, it’s not the only player in the IVF success game. The choice between fresh and frozen embryo transfer is another crucial decision that can impact IVF outcomes. But what’s the difference between these two methods? And, more importantly, which one offers better prospects for a successful pregnancy?

Advantages of frozen embryo transfer

Frozen embryo transfer, a method within the realm of assisted reproductive technologies, has been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. This method allows the uterine lining to recover and return to a natural state after ovarian stimulation, potentially leading to improved endometrial receptivity for implantation. This improvement can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, as compared to fresh embryo transfer.

Moreover, using frozen embryos in IVF treatments can also minimize the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a condition that can be triggered by fertility drugs used in fresh transfer cycles. Studies have shown that frozen embryo transfer cycles tend to have healthier outcomes, with reduced chances of preterm birth and low birth weight compared to fresh transfers.

Advancements in freezing methods

The rise of frozen embryo transfer has been greatly facilitated by advancements in freezing methods. Vitrification, in particular, has revolutionized the freezing process. This rapid cooling technique prevents the formation of damaging ice crystals during the embryo freezing process.

Vitrification has led to improved survival rates, post-warming embryo morphology, and pregnancy outcomes over slow freezing methods. As a result, vitrification has become the preferred method of cryopreservation for oocytes and embryos, owing to higher success rates and better post-thaw quality.

Factors Affecting IVF Success

While age and the choice of embryo transfer method are significant factors, they’re not the only variables in the IVF success equation. Other elements like egg quality, lifestyle habits, and individual fertility issues can also have a substantial impact on IVF success.

Egg quality and quantity

Egg quality and quantity are crucial factors in the egg retrieval stage of the IVF process. As determined by the genetic normalcy of eggs, egg quality is pivotal in achieving higher fertilization rates, better embryo development, and an increased chance of successful implantation during IVF. The presence of fertilized eggs is a key indicator of successful progression in the IVF process.

However, as women age, the quantity and quality of eggs diminish. This decline can contribute to decreased embryo quality and lower implantation rates, thereby reducing IVF success. Poor egg quality is often indicated by low levels of hormones such as Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), estradiol, and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), as well as a lower follicle count.

Lifestyle factors

Your lifestyle can also significantly influence your IVF success. For instance, being overweight or obese is linked to an increased risk of infertility and miscarriage, negatively affecting IVF success rates. Conversely, being underweight can also present challenges in conception, impacting IVF treatment effectiveness.

Smoking and alcohol consumption can similarly reduce your chances of success, with smokers requiring more fertility treatments and undergoing more IVF attempts. Even your caffeine consumption could potentially affect your IVF outcomes.

Individual fertility issues

Lastly, individual fertility issues such as fibroid tumors, endometriosis, or uterine abnormalities can decrease the likelihood of IVF success. In fact, individuals who have experienced three or more miscarriages, have a history of sexually transmitted infections, or have received cancer treatments such as chemotherapy may face additional fertility challenges.

Sometimes, it’s not just about the number or quality of eggs. Even a low number of follicles produced can lead to fewer cycles attempted, thus affecting your IVF outcomes. This is why it’s essential to seek a fertility consultation as soon as you observe any fertility issues, to optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Increasing Your Chances of IVF Success

Now that we’ve discussed the various factors that can impact your IVF success, let’s turn our attention to ways in which you can increase your chances. Here are some strategies to consider:

Adopt certain healthy lifestyle habits, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress.

Choose the right fertility clinic with a high success rate and experienced doctors.
Consider utilizing donor eggs if necessary, as this can greatly improve your chances of success.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly boost your odds of IVF success.

Healthy lifestyle habits

Making positive lifestyle adjustments is one of the most proactive steps you can take to improve your IVF success rates. A diet rich in antioxidants, folate, and Omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, is beneficial for improving egg quality. In fact, following a Mediterranean-style diet may increase the likelihood of successful IVF outcomes by up to 68%.

Moreover, maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding substances such as tobacco and alcohol can improve IVF success by 20-30%. Regular, gentle exercise such as walking and yoga is also recommended to maintain a healthy weight before and during pregnancy, contributing to pregnancy success.

Stress management through mindfulness, yoga, or counseling can also positively affect IVF outcomes.

Choosing the right fertility clinic

Choosing a reputable fertility clinic is another crucial step on your journey to IVF success. A clinic with a good success rate and experienced doctors can significantly improve your chances of a successful IVF process. Advanced assisted reproductive technology and experienced IVF specialists are key to optimizing the outcome of an IVF treatment.

Not just the technical expertise, but the convenience and accessibility of a fertility clinic’s location can also alleviate stress and logistical complications during the multifaceted IVF process. Always remember, the right fertility clinic is not just about the numbers; it’s also about the support and care you receive during your IVF journey.

Utilizing donor eggs when necessary

Lastly, utilizing donor eggs can significantly improve IVF success rates for certain individuals. In particular, older women or those with diminished ovarian reserve can experience remarkably higher success rates with donor eggs, especially when these eggs are from a younger woman.

In fact, the live birth rate per transfer for women under 45 using donor eggs was 64.0%, while for women aged 45-50, it dropped to 53.4%. Even the type of donor eggs, fresh or frozen, can slightly affect the success rates. For instance, fresh donor egg transfers have a slightly higher live birth rate of 41.4% compared to 39.1% for frozen egg transfers.

IVF Cycles: How Many Are Needed?

Another common question that couples considering IVF often have is: “How many IVF cycles will we need?” The truth is, most individuals undergoing IVF do not have a baby after just one cycle, indicating that several cycles might be necessary for a successful outcome.

The cumulative live birth rate actually increases with the number of stimulated IVF cycles, and in some cases, this can lead to a multiple pregnancy. Generally, most individuals and couples will go through two to three IVF cycles before successfully achieving conception. This process can be emotionally and physically challenging. So, if your first IVF cycle doesn’t result in a successful pregnancy, don’t lose heart. Persistence can often be the key to IVF success.

Donor Eggs and IVF Success Rates

We’ve already touched upon the significant impact of using donor eggs on IVF success rates. But let’s delve a bit deeper into this aspect. Donor egg IVF success rates generally range between 70 to 80%. These rates are typically higher than those of older patients using their own eggs, provided that the donor eggs were obtained from a younger woman..

Even the use of fresh or frozen donor eggs can have a slight impact on the success rates. Fresh donor egg transfers result in a 41.4% live birth rate, whereas the transfer of frozen eggs has a rate of 39.1%. These impressive figures underline the significant potential of donor eggs in enhancing IVF success rates, especially for older patients.

When to Seek Fertility Consultation

If you’ve been trying to conceive for a while without success, you might be wondering when to seek a fertility consultation. General guidance suggests that if you’ve been having unprotected sex for a year without conceiving (or six months for those over the age of 35), it might be time to seek a fertility consultation.

However, if you’re facing issues like recurrent pregnancy loss, have a history of sexually transmitted infections, or have received treatments such as chemotherapy which can affect fertility, you should consider seeking a consultation earlier. The earlier you seek help, the sooner you can identify any potential fertility issues and start working towards your goal of parenthood.

Realistic Expectations for IVF Success

While it’s natural to hope for the best when embarking on your IVF journey, it’s equally important to manage your expectations and prepare for potential setbacks. The journey to a successful pregnancy through IVF is often a roller coaster of emotions, filled with ups and downs.

Adopting a balanced perspective can be incredibly helpful. It’s important to:

Accept that failed attempts may occur
View the IVF process as one of trial and error
Take it one step at a time
Don’t forget to care for your mental and emotional health along the way.


In your journey through the complex world of IVF, knowledge is your greatest ally. Understanding the various factors that can impact your IVF success, from age and lifestyle habits to individual fertility issues and the choice of fresh or frozen embryo transfer, can empower you to make informed decisions. Remember, the path to successful pregnancy may not always be straightforward, and it’s okay if your journey involves multiple IVF cycles or the use of donor eggs. The most important thing is to keep faith and persistence in your quest for parenthood.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the success rate of IVF on the first try?

The success rate for IVF on the first try varies based on age, with females under 30 having a 46 percent chance of pregnancy, while females between 40 and 43 have less than a 12 percent chance. Overall, first-time IVF success rates typically range from 25-30%, with higher probability after multiple cycles.

What is the current success rate of IVF?

The current success rate of IVF on the first attempt can vary, but it generally falls between 20-35%. Keep in mind that the success rates can be influenced by factors such as the age of the egg.

How common is it for IVF to fail?

IVF fails in approximately 50% of embryo transfers, often due to genetic or chromosomal issues with the embryos. This is because women are born with a set number of eggs, which can accumulate genetic errors over time.

How many rounds of IVF is average?

On average, most couples undergo two to three IVF cycles before achieving conception. However, fertility specialists typically recommend considering no more than three to four IVF cycles before discussing other options. Research has shown that about 65.3% of patients have a successful outcome after six or more IVF cycles.

Why does age impact IVF success rates?

As a woman ages, her egg quantity and quality decline, impacting the likelihood of creating a viable embryo and subsequently affecting the success rates of IVF.

The post Understanding the Success Rate of IVF: Realistic Expectations when TTC appeared first on IVF Babble.

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Welcome to a new dawn in reproductive care.

At Ovom Care, we are pioneering a new age in reproductive care by combining world-class fertility expertise with Al and advanced research to personalise your reproductive journey while boosting your chances of success – may it be to preserve your fertility or to start a family.

Our Ovom Companion App offers 24/7 access to medical support, real-time results, and insightful content, complementing our welcoming clinic. We prioritise financial transparency, eliminating hidden costs and aiming for affordability in all treatments. Welcome to a new era in fertility care with Ovom.

Your treatment is provided at our sister clinics, Avenues. life in collaboration with the world-renowned Fertility & Gynaecology Academy off of Harley Street. Wherever you choose, we are there for you digitally and physically for your ultimate convenience

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Plan Your Baby

Plan Your Baby is a Telehealth Fertility and Pregnancy clinic providing both non-invasive and standard treatment for people struggling to conceive and end-to-end close pregnancy monitoring. We offer a full spectre of treatments and support:

  • Diagnostics
  • Non-invasive treatment for 13 most common causes of infertility
  • IVF treatment
  • Surrogacy
  • Donation
  • Reproductive immunology
  • End-to-End pregnancy monitoring

To make treatment more convenient and accessible, we work with more than 350 locations nationwide and we have a multidisciplinary team of experts with over 150 years of combined experience to support you and provide best in class, personalised care.

We are available for you 7 days a week and communicating with our patients through different channels, including WhatsApp, email, and phone, ensures unwavering support provided 7/7. The hand-holding approach is at the heart of our philosophy and we strive to provide you with the guidance and reassurance you need throughout every step of this journey.

Our dedicated team consists of Reproductive Specialists, Embryologists, Nurse Specialists, Midwives, Geneticists, Psychologists, Fertility Coaches, and Nutritionists who collaborate seamlessly to provide comprehensive diagnostics. Whether it’s ovulation induction or IVF services, we provide expertise and guidance in a fully informed and supported manner. Close pregnancy monitoring, including frequent BHCG tests, ultrasound scans, and NIPT testing, ensures your confidence and peace of mind throughout this transformative journey.

What sets us apart is our bespoke service, embracing a hand-holding approach that goes beyond expectations.

We offer home nurse visits to your home for blood tests if you’re within the M25 in London, thus providing added comfort and convenience.

At Plan Your Baby, we believe in empowering you with a deep understanding of your journey. You won’t be left chasing results or grappling with the meaning of your tests; we stand by you, providing constant support and guidance. Your parenthood journey is unique, and we are here to make it extraordinary. Choose Plan Your Baby for an unparalleled experience that blends expertise, convenience, and heartfelt support.”

Salise Haith

Salise Haith, the leading Fertility Coach for women of colour, is an international pioneer, fertility champion, owner of Lohojo Fertility Support Services, and is on pace to redefine how couples start and expand their families.

As a survivor of 3Fs – a failed fertility treatment, a failed adoption, and a failed marriage – Salise is no stranger to life-changing setbacks. Which is why she has dedicated the last few years of her life and career to helping single individuals and couples realise their dream of having a family of their own.

Having travelled extensively and lived abroad in London since 2001, Salise has been at the forefront of knowing the cutting-edge medicine and technology available to treat infertility, both in the UK private healthcare industry and abroad.

With a naturally witty, comforting, and fun personality, she is able to instantly make people feel appreciated, valued, and heard – despite them navigating some of the toughest life challenges.

Her impact can best be observed in her corporate experience with Accenture and HCA Healthcare UK – helping to reshape how hundreds of medical professionals interact, treat, and communicate with patients, while leveraging new digital platforms and tools.

It is through her leadership that Salise has been able to spearhead impactful fertility initiatives as a business analyst with Fortune 100 companies. In 2022, Salise successfully implemented two IVF software solutions at a brand-new fertility clinic and at one of the leading private fertility treatment centres in the UK – empowering them to treat over 2,000 patients.

Her powerful and inspiring presentations, workshops, and speeches is why she has been appointed as the Vice President of Public Relations for the London Chapter of Toastmasters International.

When she’s not helping families achieve their dream of having a baby, Salise spends her time volunteering, cycling through Central London, and is not a stranger to enjoying a good slice of cake.

Contact Information:
Salise Haith Owner of Lohojo Fertility Support Services http://www.lohojo.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lohojo.co/
Instagram: @lohojo.uk

Tina Padia

As a professional Fertility Coach and Life Coach (ICI) and Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Tina Padia, originally from UK but now residing in Singapore, brings personal experience with 4 years of IVF treatment. Her own challenges have equipped her with a profound understanding of infertility’s complexities. Tina’s aim is to empower women and couples with support, tools, and holistic therapies like reiki and sound bowl therapy to manage emotions and find inner peace during their fertility journey. She extends her expertise through corporate and pharmaceutical events, inspiring IVF clinics to cultivate compassionate and supportive services for individuals undergoing fertility treatment.  

Samantha Jones

Samantha is a registered midwife with a first class honors degree and holds a Masters in Midwifery.  She  uses a woman-centred holistic approach working with a philosophy that fertility, pregnancy and birth are normal life events requiring a partnership with the client to achieve safe and effective care choices for fertility and pregnancy services.

Samantha is passionate about providing individualised support to promote your choices during fertility or maternity care.  Her focus is on holistic care designed to support your emotional and mental well-being to enhance fertility journey’s as well as antenatal and postnatal experiences.

Specialist Services include:
*  Fertility Support: care through a challenging fertility journey
*  Preconception Care
*  Emotional Support through Pregnancy due to Baby Loss, Miscarriage or IVF
*  Relief from nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)
*  Birth Trauma. Tokophobia (Fear of Birth/Pregnancy) & PTSD Treatment

Lisa Corcoran

Lisa is a Bio Energy Holistic Therapist and Fertility Wellness Specialist based in Ireland, and sees client’s in person and online . Lisa also runs FertiRetreat which is a weekend long retreat in the UK, Ireland, Spain and Portugal, helping those going through a difficult fertility journey to express and process their emotions, while maintaining a relatively normal life outside of the fertility side of things. Her team provide key coping strategies to balance things like medical appointments, reading posts on social media, family, pregnancy announcements/gender reveals, and the highs and lows of all that comes with this path. 

Lisa Corcoran

Lisa is a Bio Energy Holistic Therapist and Fertility Wellness Specialist based in Ireland, and sees client’s in person and online. Lisa has been practicing for over 5 years and sees clients who are dealing with stress, anxiety, grief, loss and trauma, helping them to overcome their emotions, and let go of any trapped or blocked energy within the body.

Association of Reproductive Reflexologists - Raising Standards in Reflexology for Fertility

Reproductive Reflexology (or Reproflexology™) can be used as a stand-alone treatment to enhance your natural fertility, or with all forms of assisted conception including Clomid, IUI, IVF and ICSI. It can also be used to support individuals and couples using surrogacy or donors in IVF cycles.

Alex Davies MP Pontypridd

Alex Davies-Jones - MP for Pontypridd

Alex Davies-Jones is the Labour MP for Pontypridd, and has been an MP continuously since 12 December 2019. She currently undertakes the role of Shadow Minister (Digital, Culture, Media and Sport).

Alex is a supporter of Fertility First UK and the work we do and was kind enough to mention us in the House of Commons on the 26th October 2022. We hope to be there with Alex when she meets Kemi Badenoch the Minister for Women and Equality to support her in finding out how the Government can better help Individuals undergoing Fertility Issues and needing support. 

Cherish - UK

Diana and Jacqui are Consultant Nurse Sonographers and Directors of Cherish-UK.  They specialise in Gynaecology, Fertility and Pregnancy and both worked for the NHS for 30 years. They recognised a gap in care and decided to start trading as Cherish-UK in April 2011. Since opening the Cherish-UK team have helped hundreds of clients during their fertility journey.  They pride themselves on their professional, efficient and hassle free service which aids clients treatment requirements.  Many clinics abroad and in the UK recommend Cherish-UK to their patients as they recognise the high-quality service which is provided.

Prof Peter Hollands

Professor Peter Hollands PhD (Cantab)

Peter trained at Cambridge University under the supervision of the co-inventor of IVF and Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Bob Edwards FRS. His PhD was in stem cell technology with a focus on the transplantation of stem cells from the developing mouse fetus. His post-doctoral position was as a Senior Embryologist at Bourn Hall Clinic which was the first IVF clinic in the world. Peter has been the Scientific Director of Cells for Life in Toronto and Smart Cells in the UK and was HTA Designated Individual for Smart Cells. He has carried out research and clinical practice in stem cell technology and IVF and has written numerous papers and book chapters on stem cell technology and IVF. Peter has written a book on stem cell technology for the general public called ‘The Regeneration Promise’ which was published in December 2020. This is the first of a series of books on medical science. His second book ‘The Fertility Promise’ was published in 2021 and is an explanation of IVF and assisted reproduction for the general reader.

Professor Joyce Harper - Author/Educator/ Academic /Scientist

Joyce Harper is Professor of Reproductive Science at the Institute for Women’s Health, University College London. She is head of the Reproductive Science and Society Group and leads the International Women’s Day events at the Institute. She has worked in the fields of fertility, genetics, reproductive health and women’s health for over 30 years. She is passionate about education and discussion of all aspects of women’s health but especially at three key stages: puberty, the fertile years and the menopause. She regularly appears in the press, on radio and TV. She is the mother of three sons born through IVF. Her latest book – Your Fertile Years – was published in 2021. She is founder of the International Fertility Education Initiative.

Sheila Lamb

Sheila Lamb - Author of the 'This is' series and Co-author of 'Infertility doesn’t care about your ethnicity'

“As a previous fertility patient who finally had my rainbow baby through donor egg ICSI, I am writing and publishing the ‘This is’ series of books sharing honest, raw emotions of those going through infertility, IVF/IUI and loss for three different but connected audiences.”

Marcin Smietana - Reproductive Researcher

As a sociologist, I have been doing research with LGBTQ+ families in the UK, US and Europe for almost a decade and a half now. To further the cause of reproductive justice, I have also been using my research for the benefit of LGBTQ+ families as well as people who help them have children, such as surrogates, donors and others. I am a senior research associate in the Reproductive Sociology Research Group at the University of Cambridge, where I have been since 2016, following my postdoc research at UC Berkeley and PhD at the University of Barcelona. I have done research first of all with gay men who create families through surrogacy and adoption, but I have also worked with lesbian and trans parents. I’m also part of the LGBTQ+ community myself. I’m happy to share my knowledge and experience with LGBTQ+ intended parents and families, or direct you to relevant resources and organizations, so do feel free to email me at ms935@cam.ac.uk.

Lisa Allison - Fertility First Surrogacy Ambassador

Surrogate mother, specialist fertility counsellor in training, surrogacy mentor and advocate.

Passionate about practically assisting and emotionally supporting those struggling to make families or suffering with fertility issues. You can email me at Lisaallison@hotmail.co.uk

Two Dads UK

We (Wes and Michael) are Dads to our children, Katie, Talulah and Duke. Talulah and Duke were born with the help of our amazing Surrogate Caroline, (and our incredible egg donors). We’re on a mission to help raise awareness of Same-Sex Parenting and help normalise our own modern family, as we hopefully help shine the spotlight, positively on families like ours, with either two Mummies, two Daddies, one Mummy or one Daddy.

The foundations of TwoDads UK were firmly created by us speaking out, and campaigning for change for not only us, when we were on our quest to become Daddies, but for all those that follow us on their own route to parenthood or fertility journey. We also believe that through our work on social media – we can use those platforms to raise awareness of particular causes, charities or interests – which later become our missions.

My Surrogacy Journey

Michael and Wes are the co-founders of My Surrogacy Journey and are Dads to their two children born via UK independent Surrogacy- Talulah in 2016, and Duke was born in 2019.
They understand that there is a growing need for Surrogacy support globally, with surrogacy births growing year on year in the UK, and parental orders of those children born abroad also reflecting similar increases.
Michael and Wes are also no stranger to campaigning for change, in relation to the Surrogacy Law Reform in the UK , Government policy related to surrogates and intended parents and also educating Healthcare professionals in relation to UK Surrogacy.

Claire Caldow

Emotional health and wellbeing support whilst trying to conceive can be incredibly valuable to reduce overwhelm, to regain hope, process feelings, build resilience and improve relationships and to move more peacefully through medical investigation or procedures.
For individuals and couples who are pregnant following a difficult fertility journey, with experiences of loss or ready to take a healing journey to parenthood, emotional wellbeing support offers a safe, growth filled space through to the fourth trimester.

I offer a blend of coaching, counselling and therapeutic support with embodied and expressive approaches for those who wish to explore this way. My training and background is in Psychology, Counselling/ Psychotherapy and Coaching working in the UK and overseas for over 15 years. Experiencing my own fertility challenges, IVF and pregnancy loss led me on my own healing and therapeutic process.

Sian Elizabeth

Sian is the founder of Renew Holistic Health and takes a keen interest in helping women restore their metabolism and support hormonal health. This can mean finding relief from issues such as PCOS symptoms, Endometriosis symptoms, addressing digestive issues, supporting clients to sleep better, have more energy that’s sustained throughout the day, create better habits, mitigate stress as much as possible and learn to manage it, improve mindset to reach goals, help clients show up better for themselves and their loved ones and achieve overall vitality in a non-restrictive way. Supporting our hormone health, breaking through these barriers, preparing our bodies for pregnancy, birthing a nourished baby; everything from conscious pre-conception to birth and the years after, requires this whole-body health approach. As a qualified Health Coach Sian’s role is to motivate, empower, and educate along the way, so clients feel empowered to improve their reproductive and overall health.

Sarah Byrne

I am a Menstrual Cycle Coach who teaches women business owners how to harness the power of their natural energy cycles to avoid overwhelm and burnout and create more success in their lives and businesses.

Joanna Sinclair, FF UK Founder and CEO

I am a lecturer, fertility coach and practitioner that helps support and educate both men and women on a journey to create a family. Helping to optimise your physical and emotional health and wellbeing, enhancing your fertility to give you the best chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy. I have lived and experienced a long fertility journey, I remember only too well the emotional impact and the pain. I help reduce the stress and anxiety, maximise the benefit of nurturing the physical and emotional health together, share tools and techniques for this journey, and beyond to reach the goal of a family. 

Vanessa Hurrell

I am a psychotherapist registered with the International Council of Psychotherapists.
I have a Diploma in Transpersonal Therapeutic Counselling from Clearmind International Institute and a Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling from Chichester Counselling Services.
I have attended local and international workshops on leadership and purpose and have supported others in their workshops.
I am currently studying and working towards incorporating shamanic healing into my therapeutic work and I am training as a trauma informed specialist. I have been through my own fertility journey and have come to understand that my experiences have been a gift to me and have given me an awareness of some of the challenges that life can bring.

Jo Dalziel

I am a fertility coach and hypnobirthing specialist. After facing my own uphill struggle to conceive, many aspects of my life were affected and during this time no emotional support was available. I believe the mind body connection and your emotions play a crucial role in your fertility success, be that naturally or through assisted conception. When I heard about the Freedom Fertility Formula I wanted to train so others could feel less anxiety on their own fertility journey.

Nadine Baynes

As Director and Head Psychotherapist of not-for-profit organisation, Lighthouses Therapy Services, I have met with and supported hundreds of bereaved parents of baby and infant loss. Grieving the loss of a pregnancy or a baby can be very complicated – parents can feel confused, angry, isolated, mis-understood and overwhelmed. I can relate to this having been through a miscarriage many years ago.

With therapy you will realise you don’t have to suffer or feel alone with your pain.
Whether you are grieving an early pregnancy loss, still-birth, failed fertility treatment, ectopic pregnancy or compassionate induction, we can help and are here with open arms and big hearts.

Member of National Council of Psychotherapists (Accredited)

Steven Britton

Steven Britton

Fertility intelligence coaching can directly impact egg health, improve sperm mobility, boost fertility, healthy pregnancy and much more.

How does this work?
The process starts by firstly assessing you and your partner mental & physical wellbeing.
This is then followed by eliminating any misconceptions of actions and influences that hinder your fertility, thereby also revealing the genetic setpoint to influence/control positive outcomes.

At this point the foundations are set, we then focus on optimising relationships with yourself and others (romantic or otherwise) emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

Finally diet and nutrition can play a very important role in the quest to getting pregnant so I will make sure that even this area you will feel confident and more in control of your body.

Salma Khanom - Counsellor and Psychotherapist (BACP)

Life events, experiences and relationships can have an impact on how we feel within ourselves making it difficult to cope day to day. Therapy can help us understand these experiences, helping one gain insight and perspective. Finding understanding can be powerful in prompting change. I work with my client to identify issues within their life that may contribute to distress or problems.

I am BACP accredited Counsellor and Clinical supervisor. My core training is in the Integrative model, since qualifying I have completed further training in CBT, CfD, EMDR (all nhs approved) models. I take a flexible approach when working with clients adjusting my approach according to my clients needs. I aim to work in a collaborative way with clients as I believe this can help my clients feel safe and held.

Aisha Balesaria - mindbodyrevival_coach

Aisha is a Certified Transformational Coach and the founder of mindbodyrevival_coach Aisha spent ten years trying to conceive – she underwent surgery for endometriosis, had over 11 failed rounds of IVF and multiple miscarriages. Eventually, she left the process without a baby. “Involuntary childlessness is very misunderstood and most individuals don’t receive the support, empathy and acknowledgement they deserve”. Moving forward, Aisha wanted to use her experience to empower others on a similar journey to her own. Aisha is a writer and Co-author of the book entitled, ‘We Are One in Eight’ she has written numerous blogs and articles about her personal healthy journey and experience with infertility. She has spoken on global platforms and several podcasts to raise awareness about childlessness.

Theresa Davies

Theresa is a fully qualified Counsellor and is registered with both the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) and the British Infertility Counselling Association (BICA). Each fertility journey is unique and different people respond to fertility issues in different ways. In fact, the way you feel may change over time – sometimes even hour by hour – which is why the fertility journey is often described as an emotional rollercoaster. Our counselling sessions will help you to understand these feelings and gain a sense of acceptance of your feelings whatever they may be.

Paula Lavandeira

Paula is an International Fertility Coach and Hypnobirthing Teacher, and a Diabetes Specialist Midwife. She has been a passionate midwife for over 11 years now and with another 10 years as a nurse previously. Her passion is to help mums to overcome their fears and preconceptions about childbirth and motherhood so that they can have the best experience. Hence, she founded the Nurtured Munchkin, to provide full antenatal and postnatal courses for parents. Paula worked as a Senior Research Midwife at UCLH for 5 years, participating in multiple studies, including a pilot study NIPT which was later introduced to the NHS. She also offers baby massage and yoga. Paula recently received an award for Best Antenatal and Hypnobirthing Courses Provider 2020.

Manali Hirani

Manali Hirani - Fertility Coach and Podcaster

Helping women and couples get pregnant naturally, in a healthy way and with minimal medications to enhance their fertility.

“Women accessing a supported mind-body program were over twice as likely to conceive as those who didn’t. Of those women that got pregnant, 76% did so naturally (without medical intervention) within 12 months despite their age, the number of years of trying and diagnoses” – As per the study conducted by Harvard University.

Manali is also the head of IVF Babble in India.

Lighthouses Therapy Services

We are here to offer support to those who have been through miscarriage, still-birth, neonatal death, SIDS, ectopic and molar pregnancy and for those who need support, post-termination.

For women, men, couples and grandparents just like you who are hurting and feel that no one understands the deep psychological pain you are experiencing, we are here.

Theresa Davies Counselling

Sometimes life can feel overwhelming and often, when we speak with our friends and family, we worry about how being honest about our worries, thoughts and feelings may effect them.

​I understand that for many people, seeking out a counsellor can feel very daunting. Maybe you feel that you should be able to cope on our own, or that other people have worse problems that are more worthy of counselling. However, sometimes we all need some extra help, and I am here for you during those times.

Belle Birth & Fertility

Fertility coaching – Your Fertility Journey Is Unique.
Leave anxiety behind & hold on to your dream.

Hypnobirthing – Calm & Relaxed Antenatal Education.
Embrace the beauty of birth with confidence & composure

The Embryologist Nutritionist

Harness the power of nutrition and lifestyle to regain control of your fertility.
Stop feeling exhausted, alone, and frustrated with your body. Are you embarking on IVF / IUI and desperate to maximise your chances of it being successful, but feeling overwhelmed about how to do so?

​We hear you!

​After seeing many individuals go through assisted conception treatments, as an embryologist, we can empathise with what you’re feeling. We are here to share with you the transformational impact that nutritional and lifestyle changes can have, so that you can maximise your chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy, naturally or through assisted conception, even if you feel like you’ve already tried everything.

Nua Fertility

Deborah Brock the founder of Nua Fertility states her mission is “To provide education and innovative products with a microbiome focus which will support people on their fertility journey. We focused on our nutrition, lifestyle, fitness, emotional and overall, well being. This combined with the help of science (and some amazing doctors), culminated in the arrival of our beautiful daughter.

My experience gave me an insight into the reality of fertility problems that many of us face. My search for solutions grounded in science led to the importance of nutrition for fertility and the amazing world of the microbiome and microbes and how they are a key determinant of our fertility health.”

Endometriosis South Coast

The charity Endometriosis South Coast was born out of a need for support on a grass roots level. We have online support groups and now the world is opening up again we are going to train support group leaders to provide in person groups.
We regularly hold educational webinars, and make sure we are at all of the conferences to ensure we have the most up to date information about endo.
We are developing educational resources for businesses, schools, and GP’s.
But our ultimate goal is to ensure all people with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis are receiving the best holistic care and support for their conditions, and know that there is more than just surgery needed to help.

Jodie Hughes

I’m Jodie and I am a Health Sciences Research PhD student that is focussed on Health-Related Quality of Life in people with Endometriosis (crazy I know right) and founder of the charity Endometriosis South Coast.

In 2014 at the ripe old age of 30 after spending the entirety of my adulthood as a chef, I drunkenly applied for university because Endometriosis changed my life. I couldn’t work, I was a single mum. And quite honestly, I was at the lowest I had ever been with depression eating at my very core.

I am researching how Health Related Quality of Life differs in a range of sample groups of Endometriosis patients.

Sarah Laver

After working as a clinical embryologist for many years, seeing couples struggling with their fertility, Sarah was driven to find alternative ways to support them on their journey. Through studying Psychology, and Personalised Nutrition, she discovered the transformational impact that diet and lifestyle changes can provide, especially when behaviour change is supported. She is now on a mission to share her knowledge, supporting those trying to conceive.

Sarah is now a BANT Registered Nutritionist and Registered Nutritional Therapist, specialising in fertility. She is the founder of The Embryologist Nutritionist, helping couples, and single females, regain control of their fertility, and maximise their chances of a healthy pregnancy. Sarah takes a holistic view of a couple, or client’s, situation and, together, they create a bespoke, personalised plan that works for them and their needs.

Your Trusted Squad

Your Trusted Squad is on a mission to transform the experience of infertility for women and couples who are trying to start or grow their family.

​Your Trusted Squad was founded by Dr Belinda Coker, an experienced GP and Medical Director with a wealth of expertise in fertility, women’s health, customer experience and clinical quality spanning 20 years.

Many of Belinda’s personal experiences of seeking healthcare for infertility, recurrent miscarriages, endometriosis and adenomyosis were difficult, disappointing and sometimes traumatic. After speaking with so many women who complained of their experiences when trying to receive help for fertility and matters related to their reproductive health and after following her heart, Belinda decided to build a unique service that delivers on excellence, quality and encompasses a personalised, holistic experience for clients.

Natalie Coghlan

Having encountered my own fertility struggles in my mid-thirties, I took a deep dive into understanding how diet and lifestyle can support my desire to start a family. This resulted in me having two healthy children, one via IVF and one natural conception. Now a nutritionist and fertility expert, I help women going through their own fertility struggles, to realise their dream of a healthy pregnancy.

Work with me to gain the knowledge and strength to take back control of your fertility and feel empowered in knowing you are doing everything you can to increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.

Caroline Biddle (Med)

Caroline worked as a secondary school drama teacher for 9 years. During a period of three years, she went through fertility treatment before becoming a mother to her son. She experienced two very different styles of support, where neither school had a fertility policy in place which left her feeling both vulnerable and frustrated.

Caroline is committed to changing the way fertility issues in teaching are managed.

Since her career in teaching Caroline has gone on to deliver training to staff across NHS Trusts. She is also a visiting lecturer at two Universities.

Caroline blogs weekly about fertility issues. She supports a community of teachers across various social media platforms and regularly interacts with them.

Lucy Livesey

Lucy Livesey is the founder of Relax with Lucy & Co. Lucy is a bereaved mother, a Mindfulness Meditation teacher, Mental Health Nurse and Well-Being Practitioner. Her work within the mindfulness field is becoming widely recognised around the globe and she has been using her own experience of suffering to help others. Lucy’s experience of bereavement from the loss of her twin brother and also her daughter, motivated her to help others. It was through her own self discovery that Lucy went on to complete additional training to be able to teach people to find a sense of calm and balance.

Nicola Carter

Nicola Carter

I work to provide you with high quality fertility, birth and postnatal doula services across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, as well as online.

I am passionate about supporting you with your emotional wellbeing. I offer non-judgemental support along with unbiased, evidence-based information, so you can make the best decisions for you, your baby and your family. I am also the founder of Fertility, Birth & Beyond.

Nishta Patel

Nishta Patel - “The Gut Expert” Nutritionist

Helping patients regain their health after years of misery resulting from various ailments and diseases is my passion. I help people overcome their health problems by identifying and treating the root cause.

Using integrated Functional Medicine and Nutritional Therapy, my speciality is in gut related problems, which include Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulitis, Crohn’s Disease an IBS.

Kelly Da Silva

Kelly Da Silva is a Fertility Support Expert, Writer, Speaker, and Founder of The Dovecote: Childless Support Organisation. Inspired by her own personal experience of infertility, Kelly specialises in developing and delivering ‘Emotional Support’ for those experiencing infertility either during treatment or in their own childless journey. Working with a leading UK Fertility Provider, Kelly has developed and continues to deliver a range of emotional and support offerings to improve the ‘Patient Experience’ to a level recognised by the HFEA as a ‘Gold Standard for Support’, using the knowledge, strategies, research and tools attested through her own personal journey.

Fertility, Birth & Beyond

Giving birth and/or the early stages of parenthood should be your biggest achievement, not your biggest fear.”

Welcome to Fertility, Birth and Beyond.
Birth Doula, Postnatal Doula, Hypnobirthing Teacher, Placenta Remedies Specialist and Holistic Fertility Coach across Nottingham, Derby and Online.

They provide 3-Step Rewind sessions for Traumatic Birth Recovery.

The Dovecote Fertility Support

Supporting, enabling and inspiring people dealing with involuntary childlessness to reconnect with their daily lives and rediscover a passion and purpose.

Relax with Lucy & Co

Relax With Lucy & Co was set up to offer well-being and mental health support through the provision of mindfulness & relaxation interventions. The organisation was set up by our founder Lucy Livesey – mental health nurse and bereaved mother following the loss of her daughter Ellie in 2017.

Lucy and her team of instructors deliver projects to help support the baby loss community through the development of mindfulness & relaxation resources. They offer both well-being baby loss tailored support in addition to general well-being support to help people improve their overall sense of wellbeing.

Nurtured Munchkin

Nurtured Munchkin offers antenatal classes and Hypnobirthing courses as group sessions, private classes in Woking and surrounding areas, and online all over the world. All the courses are run by Paula Lavandeira, senior midwife and DipHB(KG) hypnobirthing teacher with more than 13 years of experience.

Fertility Issues in Teaching

Fertility Issues In Teaching

Fertility Issues in Teaching are the first and only organisation that delivers specialist consultancy and training exclusively for schools. Raise awareness around the mental, emotional, social and financial impact of staff experiencing infertility and pregnancy loss in an environment where 75% of teachers are women.

Desi Radio London

Desi Radio is a registered Charity working to promote the Punjabi language, culture and the integration of the Punjabi Community in the UK. It airs Educational topics for its listeners and Fertility First UK will be sponsoring and featuring in their Radio Listener Call-ins focusing on Infertility and the A-Z Journey of IVF.

Andrew Coutts - CEO of the International Fertility Company

Andrew Coutts is one of the fertility industry’s best travelled individuals having visited and worked with over 180 clinics worldwide. He is a regular speaker, writer and commentator on cross border fertility treatment and male fertility. Andrew is the CEO of the International Fertility Company (IFC), an independent consultancy which offers a concierge service to patients seeking Fertility assistance both overseas and in the UK. He is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Reproduction Research at the De Montfort University (DMU) in Leicester, UK, working on his specialist area, male factor fertility.

The Fertility Foundation

The Fertility Foundation is a UK Charity which aims to provide support and help to individuals and couples with advice, information and ultimately , practical assistance in accessing fertility treatment. The Foundation was created with the overwhelming desire to help as many people as we can to either start or extend their Family.

With the NHS funding cuts showing no signs of stopping they are creating a fund to provide financial assistance to individuals and couples who are struggling to afford treatment. They are more than a Charity that provides IVF Funding as they also run educational events across the UK.

Best Fertility Now Logo

Best Fertility Now

Best Fertility Now is a fertility media company, writing all about male and female fertility factors, global and personal interest stories, science, mental and physical health, all to give access to support and advice on fertility journey.

Enhanced Fertility Programmes Logo

Enhanced Fertility Programme

Enhanced Fertility Programme was founded by Andreia Trigo RN BSc MSc, Fertility Nurse Consultant. Their vision is to improve global accessibility to personalised fertility care, at minimal cost to populations. Enhanced Fertility use research, clinical skills and technology to create products with global reach to make personalised fertility care accessible to all.

Ian Stones

Ian Stones is considered one of the UK’s leading fertility experts helping couples wishing to start a family. Ian has extensive experience and training as a fertility acupuncturist with over 15 years in practice. Ian also works as a male fertility coach offering 1:1 support to men allowing them to properly understand their fertility and options.

Through his unique system, Ian helps couples to improve their lifestyle, diet and overall health to enhance their fertility. Ian is a passionate campaigner for equality in fertility services, recognising from over 15 years’ experience the unspoken toll on men going through fertility treatment.

Ian is also co-director of testhim, a unique platform offering men essential guidance around their fertility, testing and treatments.


Examen is a world leader in male fertility testing, based on its heritage of over 25 years in male reproductive health and fertility treatment research. We specialise in measuring sperm DNA fragmentation (known as sperm DNA damage) to help predict the likelihood of conception, miscarriage and the success of fertility treatment.

Sperm DNA damage is one of the most important factors causing male infertility. Examen has developed the Exact test to empower men to take control of their own fertility.

The Mancave

Kevin Button - "The Mancave"

‘The Mancave’ @them_ancave was created through personal experience and was to help break the stigma around male infertility. Why should we suffer in silence?!

“I believe anxiety and depression go hand in hand with fertility issues, and I honestly believe men have taken their own lives due to the fact they have had very little or no help or support after being told they are infertile. Because of this, I plan to make a difference and I want you guys to come along on this journey with me. Let’s do this together; for us, for those that have suffered in silence before us and for the men of the future, who hopefully won’t have to suffer alone.”

Kevin drives “The Mancave” project and is an Ambassador of Fertility Network UK.


“We’re on a mission to change fertility. At ExSeed Health we’re male health experts on a mission to address the 40% of all infertility that’s male related but currently remains largely neglected across the globe!

We built our company to utilize the latest scientific advances in fertility and health research to offer a range of innovative products, enabling men and couples to take ownership of their reproductive health in the comfort of their own home.

We’re also proud to break unnecessary taboos and create awareness around male fertility in the process by making the conversations on the male part easier and straightforward – as they should be.”

UR Vistahermosa

UR Vistahermosa is part of the UR International Reproduction Group, which currently carries out more than 11,000 reproduction cycles in Spain and boasts clinics in Alicante, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, Murcia, Granada, Almeria, Cadiz, Jerez de la Frontera, Zaragoza, Oviedo, Cartagena and Lerida. It also has international units in Latin America in Managua and Mexico City.

At UR Vistahermosa we have multidisciplinary teams made up of gynaecologists, embryologists, geneticists, andrologists, anaesthesiologists, psychologists, nursing staff and assistants, so each case can be approached uniquely to achieve our goal – pregnancy.

When it comes to international patients, we know that setting off on the journey towards pregnancy means adapting to their needs. Our entire team works together to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Tambre Fertility Clinic Madrid

More than 40 years of experience, our extensive career in the world of reproductive medicine has allowed us to achieve the highest success rates not only in Spain but throughout Europe. The latest technology to guarantee you a healthy baby. We have the latest technology in assisted reproduction: GERI, Time Lapse, Fenomatch, PGS, Chip Fertile, RI Witness, ERA, etc.

Dr Belinda Coker

Belinda has had an extraordinary career overcoming adversity whilst shattering the glass ceiling. Belinda completed her medical degree at the prestigious Imperial College School of Medicine. After spending three years training in obstetrics, gynaecology and sexual health at the highly-regarded Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Belinda then spent two further years working in sexual and reproductive health and community gynaecology before training to become a GP.

A few years later, Belinda started to work in healthcare management, specialising in service design, patient experience, and safety, alongside her clinical practice. She was soon promoted to senior leadership roles within the NHS. After completing an Executive MBA program in Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Design at Imperial College Business school and winning the IBM prize for innovation, design and entrepreneurship, Belinda reached the executive level and became a board director.

During the last 10 years, Belinda provided advice and expertise to highly reputable healthcare organisations and innovative digital health companies that have created tech apps, gadgets, products, and online healthcare services. Throughout this time, she continued to practice as a GP in London.

Yemi Adegbile

Yemi Adegbile

 I am a Fertility Clinic Lead nurse with over 20 years in the fertility sector. I have worked in both the NHS and private sectors, including 17 years at Barts Centre for Reproductive Medicine and 5 years at the Assisted Conception Unit of Guy’s and St Thomas’.
My area of interest and passion is raising awareness in the black and minority ethnic communities about fertility issues, accessing fertility care and organising local forums to help singles and couples B.A.M.E patients navigate through their fertility journey.

  • Executive member of Nigeria Nurses Charitable association UK.
  • Organiser of bespoke packages for BAME patients who need Egg or Sperm donation both home and abroad.
  • Founder of Fertility Support Hub, a charitable organisation who raises awareness to the ethnic community about fertility issues.
  • Executive member of London Fertility Nurses Forum.

Dr. Zara Hosany - Psychologist, HCPC - Clin. Psych.

I am Dr Zara Hosany, a Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years experience working in mental health. I offer a range of interventions: individual work with adults, young people, parents, couples, family therapy; supervision for qualified professionals and trainees; coaching and mentoring, consultation work with organisations, and reflective spaces for groups.

I use a variety of approaches in my work, which includes CBT, DBT, IPT, Systemic, Narrative, Solution-focussed, Psychodynamic, Play and Attachment based therapies. I welcome explorations of race, culture, spirituality, sexuality, and other aspects of identity.

Andreia Trigo

Andreia Trigo

“My name is Andreia Trigo and I am a nurse consultant, researcher and founder of Enhanced Fertility. My passion for working in this area comes from my own diagnosis of infertility at a very young age

The journey to finding out what was happening in my body took years, several medical appointments, blood tests, invasive treatment and even surgery.

My goal is to help people be diagnosed sooner, get referred to fertility specialists that can help them and create a personalised treatment plan that increases their chances of conception.”

Natural Fertility Healthcare

Have you been trying for ages with no success? Have you had poor fertility test results? Are you feeling desperate and like you left it too late? Maybe guilty for having a career or not looking after your body? Do you feel like hope is fading and in a panic to find a solution quickly? Do you feel alone and fearful much of the time? You’ve tried so much as a couple and feel you failed in some way?

Do something really positive now to overcome the challenge and desperation you feel.

​Mama Be works with and through these issues to help restore your body’s natural health and fertility.

Regardless of whether you have suffered from unexplained infertility, secondary infertility, low AMH results, failed IVF, PCOS endometriosis, hormone imbalance, have poor hormone and/or sperm results, or even miscarriage issues treatment is possible.

International Fertility Company

The International Fertility Company (IFC) is a concierge based service assisting patients to identify and access the most appropriate fertility treatment at home or abroad. Working across 24 countries and with 180 clinics. IFC has an experienced team of former patients, medics, therapists and coaches who provide bespoke packages of care, support, treatment and information.

Dr. Amina Hersi

Dr. Amina Hersi - General Practitioner and Expert on PCOS

“When I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) over 10 years ago I remember it being such a confusing time. Through my years as a doctor, I came to understand the importance of diet and lifestyle in managing such a complex condition.”

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